Family Law

We serve all of Northern Nevada: Washoe County, Carson City, Story County, Lyon County, Douglas County, Churchill County, Mineral County, Nye County, Lander County, Pershing County, Humboldt County, Lander County, Eureka County, Elko County, White Pine County.

Let's Talk

Review of Elizabeth Bittner

“Elizabeth Bittner is an excellent attorney with exceptional skills and knowledge in family law. I have been working with Elizabeth in an ongoing custody case since May 2012. From the first time I met her, she has proven to be extremely passionate about getting her clients the results they want and deserve. She is very professional, personable, empathetic, honest and kind. In any given situation, I always felt heard and never doubted her genuine concern for me and my family. Elizabeth has truly brought light and hope to what has been a very dark situation at times. When it comes to fighting for what is best for your children, Elizabeth is the attorney that you want in your corner. Additionally, her fees are fair and definitely get what you pay for with the added benefit of feeling like you have a friend. Without hesitation, I highly recommend Elizabeth Bittner.”


Divorces can range from a simple agreement to days-long trial. We have experience in both and everything in between. Over a decade of divorce experience. Multi-million dollar divorces, complex litigation, knock-down drag-out fights to sitting in a room and working it out between friends. Our representation can guide you every step of the way. Know what your rights are before you start talking to the other side. Nevada is a community property state but not all community property states are the same. The difference between having a knowledgeable attorney on your side and thinking you can handle it on your own is often the cost to you of at least twice the attorney’s fees you would have paid to hire competent counsel. It is harder and costs more to undo a mistake.


Step-parent adoptions, family member adoptions, adoptions after termination of parental rights, adoptions through agencies. The legal ties that bind are never more important than in creation of the parent-child relationship.

Parental Rights

Establishing your parental rights, or fighting to terminate parental rights. Our experience in Northern Nevada courts on contested parental rights trials means you gain the benefit of not only knowing you did everything you could, but knowing that the children you are fighting for got their day in court, too.

Custody/Child Support

Whether you are trying to establish an order for custody, or enforce or modify an order already in place, we have over a decade of experience fighting for your children’s best interests. The payment of money to raise children goes hand-in-hand with custody matters. The daily grind is how you make ends meet and that all trickles down to the children in your home. Make sure their needs are being met and do not go into court alone. Protecting your financial security and stability is a benefit to your children.

"It is difficult for me to find the words to describe the impact that Nicole Widdis has had on my life. I found myself in a situation in which I was not safe. I was a brand, new mom who needed help. I came into her office and she made me feel at ease, which was not a feeling that I was accustomed to at that point in my life. She even held and soothed my newborn during our initial meeting so I could focus on the task at hand. Nicole used her expertise to not only protect me, but she protected my son. She worked tirelessly for me. She was able to protect me physically by helping secure a protection order, she protected me financially/physically/emotionally by helping me complete a very complicated divorce. Nicole even created a 25 page unique document to help protect my house. I don’t think it's usual to get emotional when speaking about your lawyer, but I tend to when I think about Nicole Widdis. I have worked with Nicole for 3 years now and she never made me feel like just a client. I felt like a person, who she cares about and wants the best for. I am so incredibly thankful and grateful for all the help she gave me during the hardest period of my life. If anyone needs any legal help or advice, you will be in good hands with Nicole."


Protect the ones you love. The laws are changing in the world of guardianship in Nevada. Whether you are seeking guardianship of a minor or an adult, consult with an attorney before attempting to navigate these legal waters.

Attorney Services

If you’re a Nevada attorney with a calendaring conflict and need an experienced attorney to step in for a short time, a hearing, or to take over a case, contact us. Attorneys can also contract with us for legal research and pleadings preparation.

NV Supreme Court Appeals

Have you received a Nevada District Court civil judgment or order that you feel is wrong? Come in and talk to me about your case. We can discuss if there is a basis for appeal. There is usually a small window of time to appeal a decision once it is issued, so do not wait. Schedule a consult immediately.

Hearings, Trials, Mediation, Arbitration

Combined experience of over two decades representing Nevadans in all levels of hearings, trials, mediations and arbitrations. Be prepared with a competent attorney at your side in court.

Get in touch with us

Over two decades of working in the Northern Nevada legal community has given us the chance to collectively be involved in thousands of cases. Our familiarity with courts, processes and opposing attorneys gives us the experience and insight to help you navigate your case.